Dr. Nano Mini(ドクターナノ ミニ)が作り出すナノバブルは目に見えないほどの小ささで、寿命が長く、その洗浄効果は長く続きます。
しかし 高濃度の化学物質は消毒できますが、患者の体に影響を与え、金属部を腐食させるリスクがあります。
Dr. Nano Mini(ドクターナノ ミニ)は物理のテクノロジーの力でこれらの問題を解決しました。
The Power of Nanobubbles without Chemicals or Mechanical Power
The nanobubbles produced by Dr. Nano Mini are so small that they are invisible, have a long life, and their cleaning effect is long-lasting.
The nanobubbles physically remove the biofilm that forms in the waterline. The detached biofilm debris is flushed out even with small amounts of water.
Once the biofilm is destroyed, the bacteria hiding underneath are sterilized by free chlorine and other substances in the tap water. Thereafter,
the water is constantly filled with nanobubble water, making it difficult for the biofilm to adhere and maintaining a hygienic environment at all times.
Until now, the use of chemicals has been considered indispensable for waterline disinfection.
However, while highly concentrated chemicals can disinfect, there is a risk of affecting the patients' body and rusting metal parts.
Dr. Nano Mini has solved these problems using physical method.